Food Safety & Hygiene Solicitors in Surrey

Running your own restaurant, takeaway or food business is hard enough without the huge amounts of industry red tape. As a business owner, taking the time to navigate this complex area of law is difficult, so having a hygiene and food safety solicitor on your side can make all the difference.

At Rosewood Solicitors, our food hygiene lawyers have the expertise to help you or your business if you are facing a possible investigation or prosecution by the local authority and the Food Standards Agency. We can also work as an extension of your business to provide legal advice on changes in the law in the food industry as well as improvement notices.

About our Food Hygiene and Safety Solicitors and Processes

Local authorities can inspect premises run by food business operators at any time, including surprise inspections. If they believe that your business is in breach of these food hygiene and safety laws, they can commence an investigation against your business.

Depending on the outcome of the investigation and breaches in the law, this may result in prosecution. A conviction for an offence may mean substantial fines being imposed by the Courts or a custodial sentence in very serious cases. The impact on your reputation as a business can be substantial, which is why we work to minimise the impact on you and your livelihood.

Rosewood Solicitors take an impartial view in supporting you and your business, assisting in the investigation stage but also representing you in court should the Local Authority look to prosecute. We build a robust case, building a defence that considers all the facts and your personal circumstances so we can reach the best possible outcome for all involved.

Regardless of whether you are a small company or a large national organisation, we can advise you on a wide range of food safety and food hygiene matters including:

  • Food hygiene investigations/prosecutions
  • Food safety investigations/prosecutions
  • Pest infestations
  • Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notices/Orders
  • Appeals against food hygiene rating scores
  • Interviews under caution

Whilst many believe they do not need the help of food law advisors, having a specialist food safety and hygiene solicitor on your side can make all the difference in reducing the conviction or achieving the best outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions About our Food and Safety Hygiene Lawyers

What do I do if I receive an improvement notice?

We consider each circumstance on a case-by-case basis, however having the right legal advice and guidance on how to meet compliance standards is highly recommended. Our food hygiene solicitors ensure that you have all the knowledge and understanding to tackle your business's problems and get back on track.

Our professionals can also assist in appealing against these notices if you believe they are unfair, which will involve the Magistrate’s court. You must read and understand all the documentation you received when the inspection was conducted. If you’re unsure at any time, our food law solicitors can help.

Is it possible to avoid prosecution for food health and safety violations?

This depends wholly on the circumstances but yes this is possible. If you involve food law specialists like us at an early stage of the investigation, it may be possible for us to negotiate with the Local Authority to avoid prosecution. Coming to an agreement to improve the food premises, having regular inspections, and developing staff training programs are just some of the solutions we have reached in the past.

If you or your business, whether large or small, is notified that it is being investigated or if you are required to attend an interview under caution, then please do not hesitate to contact Rosewood Solicitors for advice from our specialist food safety and hygiene lawyers.

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